The word quarantine means to restrict the movement of people and goods, especially in that area where the disease or pandemic is spreading while infecting the other person, who comes in the contact with each other. Automatically the infection transmits so the prevention and the only remedy which the community or citizens could do is to isolate or shelter themselves in their homes. Where all kind of trading, visiting to guests and restricting themselves by travelling and tours for the sake of protecting the world and to stop the disease widespread ultimately to reduce over crowdings in markets, malls, amusement parks, restaurants and academies which includes Educational institutes leaving behind the Forces, police and Military for public to reduce Panic and to make the city calm by creating peace.
In the crucial time like Quarantine, you should keep yourself much active and boost yourself up for not only repairing the damage Electrical appliances but to fix the tube light or yellow bedside lamp which you were avoiding since so long and these odd duties were waiting for your free time so that you may fixed them at their earliest. The Home indoor work is something you have to do by yourself and can also engage your siblings, on the other hand by giving relax to your parents. Moreover the indoor works are the best for spending leisure time and giving little bit interest to look forward on Cleaning all the unnecessary stuff and trash from it. Check and balance could make you feel more obsessed about your property and items.
The most cheap and comfortable duty or task all you could
perform in your home is maintaining your garden and rebuilding it by removing
the decayed plants, flowers by yourself as gardeners cannot attend their duties
during this isolating period!. So all you can do is to thrill your garden by
sowing some fresh seeds from available fruits in your fridge. Just grab it peel
it, cut it and throw the seeds on the soil while giving yourself some alert to
check the growth of it day to day. It would be a fun activity indulging your
kids in it. Hence this adventure could be more joyful when every family member
would be getting involved. Sow some potatoes and green vegetables so that you
can cook by harvesting your own crops at home.
What could be easier and time expenditure way? Rather than cooking yummiest food and live
grill barbeque in your terrace while staying in quarantine. The quality time
you can spend with your family and make them cheerful through cooking your
favorite food, when unfortunately the Restaurant`s aren`t ready or they are
closed because of the legal order of government. So to fulfill the need of your
family, you can relief to your mother and can challenge yourself by ignoring
the junk food that could transport the viruses immediately when the chefs cook
your food together and they could infect you through delivering food. Show your
culinary skills and dine at your home. Recover your skills at home and stay at
home so that less cases could be observed and to be heard on Media.
Remain safe and remain healthy by doing home based exercises
in your empty room, just by plugging the earphone or Bluetooth speakers in the
switch and enjoy the quarantine days, taking it as a productive holidays and
groom yourself by consuming healthy juices, shakes and protein supplements on
daily bases, this would refreshes your memory, builds your muscles, provides
you optimum energy for a whole day. A proper diet plan could be set up and
could be hanged outside your door for healthy routine and most probably it
would be providing help for those Bulky people who suffers from obesity and eat
unhygienic food during their busy office timings or in school days.
The worst condition which demands the public for staying at home and wants that the precautions should be taken at its first side. The hygiene would be perhaps the only way to save yourself and others by washing hands thoroughly till twenty seconds and then by using sanitizers, eventually after it. The importance of mask could not to be remain rundown from the infectious and normal people, as it is the safety measures, which everybody have to follow it regularly. The contacts with other person, like relatives and hugging, greeting via shaking hands to be prohibited strictly on individual basis. Stay calm and follow the rules.
Rush to the google and other websites for taking the online classes, when it comes to the education and academics, and involve yourself in online courses which are less expensive and in fact some are free to subscribe, as they have their YouTube channels. While others give online classes via power point presentations and some connects to you easily by registering yourself to groups on Facebook and Instagram by connecting your data or Wi-Fi, for which absolutely you need to have internet connections at your home. Which are often closed during bad weather conditions or in some public demonstrations and strikes. Without it your quarantine could not be supportive at all.
the most awaited movies and play games on Internet enthusiastically:
You have been missing the movies and might be watching the trailers! Hurry up! And don`t forget to watch the movies on Netflix, YouTube and download them via Torrent. The best opportunity which is giving you ample of time to enjoy movies with your friends, family and relatives. Play games on the Google or on your phone throwing competitions to each other. Hence you would be finding yourself quite Relaxed and Interacted with something tasteful. Despite of using Social media and utilizing your time more in to it by hearing panicked and exhausted news related to Pandemic, People should watch good and meaningful films.